Recent press about our work

  1. In the Media

    Forbes: Can Studying Germs In The Brain Lead To A Cure For Alzheimer’s?

    "Harvard researchers, Dr. Rudolph Tanzi and Robert D. Moir, PhD, are heading up a team, funded by the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund and the Good Ventures Foundation, that has taken on mapping the microbiome, the population of microorganisms, some helpful and some pathological, that exists inside the brain. The monumental task, dubbed The Brain Microbiome Project, will, they hope, tell them if amyloid beta plaques–known to initiate the pathological cascade of Alzheimer’s disease–are being made to protect the brain… And if amyloid-beta are accumulating simply to fight a persistent infection, this new theory could lead to groundbreaking new therapies for treating or even preventing Alzheimer’s."

  2. In the Media

    Inside Philanthropy: Philanthropy Awards, 2016

    "Through their Good Ventures Foundation and the Open Philanthropy Project, Moskovitz and Tuna have set a great example for other emerging donors by not only revealing grants in a timely fashion, but also explaining the thinking behind grantmaking in blog posts."

  3. In the Media

    The New York Times: Philanthropy in Silicon Valley — Big Bets on Big Ideas

    "The founders of Silicon Valley’s technology companies, many of whom have amassed huge fortunes at a young age, tend to look at their philanthropic giving much as they do their companies: They study a problem, explore a number of ways to attack it and eventually invest heavily to scale up the ideas they think will be winners… 'The thing we focus on is expected value,' said Ms. Tuna, a former journalist who runs their foundation while her husband focuses on running his current tech start-up, Asana. 'It’s all part of doing as much good as we can with the resources we have.'"

  4. In the Media

    Washington Post: How Eggs Became a Victory for the Animal Welfare Movement

    "Much of the impetus of late has been spurred by the Humane League, which has focused almost exclusively on pushing companies to adopt cage-free eggs … 'They’ve been strategic in going one company at a time and making clear that they will campaign until that company treats animals more humanely,' said Lewis Bollard, farm animal welfare program manager at the Open Philanthropy Project, which gives money to causes it deems effective and underfunded. This spring it awarded the Humane League a $1 million grant."

  5. In the Media

    Inside Philanthropy: More Concern From Silicon Valley Donors About the Risks of AI

    "The latest funder to make this a chief concern is the Open Philanthropy Project, anchored by the wealth of Dustin Moskovitz and Cari Tuna, which this year bumped up artificial intelligence risk to near the top of its priority list. This has led to its biggest grant to the field yet, $5.5 million toward the launch of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, led by UC Berkeley prof and AI pioneer Stuart Russell."

  6. In the Media

    Bloomberg: Facebook Fortune Behind Push for Fed to Sharpen Focus on Jobs

    The money behind the movement is aimed at influencing the Fed, which is tasked with promoting both maximum employment and stable inflation. Open Philanthropy Project hopes Fed Up will push policy makers to make the jobs side of that mandate their priority — especially when the next downturn strikes, said Alexander Berger, its program officer for U.S. policy … 'Fed Up is never going to be in a position to dictate the next monetary policy move — and they shouldn’t be — but they could provide the visible public support central bankers need to respond more effectively to the next recession,' Berger said.