We fund organizations and projects that show great promise for saving and improving lives and for helping us learn.

We’ve organized the grants in Our Portfolio in a database that you can browse and download. Grants recommended by Open Philanthropy also appear in its grants database here.

Download database as .CSV
Grant Organization All Topics Date of Award Amount
Sage — Software Tools for Forecasting Sage Forecasting 05/2024 $550,000
Sage — AI Explainers Sage Potential Risks from Advanced AI 05/2024 $550,000
Bouisson-Bertrand Institute — Loiasis (African Eye Worm) Impact Study Bouisson-Bertrand Institute Global Health R&D 05/2024 $211,014
AI Standards Lab — AI Standards and Risk Management Frameworks AI Standards Lab Potential Risks from Advanced AI 05/2024 $200,000
Apollo Research — General Support Apollo Research Potential Risks from Advanced AI 05/2024 $2,178,700
Rethink Priorities — Effective Altruism Brand Strategy Research Rethink Priorities Global Catastrophic Risks 04/2024 $88,240
Rethink Priorities — Research on LLM Use Rethink Priorities Potential Risks from Advanced AI 04/2024 $115,887
Peterson Institute for International Economics — Indian Economic Policy Reform (2024) Peterson Institute for International Economics 04/2024 $680,000
Pahle India Foundation — Lead Policy Research Pahle India Foundation Global Public Health Policy 04/2024 $187,732
Growth Teams — Conference Support Growth Teams 04/2024 $72,500
University of Wisconsin–Madison — Scalable Oversight Research University of Wisconsin–Madison Potential Risks from Advanced AI 04/2024 $100,000
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute – Emodepside Phase III Trial Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Global Health R&D 04/2024 $5,000,000
University of Stirling — Research on Electrical Stunning (2024) University of Stirling Fish Welfare; Farm Animal Welfare 04/2024 $363,054
University of Oxford — Hepatitis C Challenge Model University of Oxford Scientific Research 04/2024 $1,353,450
Institute for AI Policy and Strategy — General Support (April 2024) Institute for AI Policy and Strategy Potential Risks from Advanced AI 04/2024 $828,049
Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative — AI for Epistemics Workshop  Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative Global Catastrophic Risks 04/2024 $21,060
EA Netherlands — AI Safety Retreat EA Netherlands Global Catastrophic Risks 04/2024 $25,000
Wageningen University — Wild-Caught Fish Welfare (2024) Wageningen University Fish Welfare; Farm Animal Welfare 04/2024 $831,750
UC Davis — Insectary for Malaria Gene Drive Research UC Davis Scientific Research 04/2024 $500,000
Princeton University — Scalable Oversight Research Princeton University Potential Risks from Advanced AI 04/2024 $100,000