Evidence Action — Planning for Future Programs

Evidence Action
Award Date:
For the support of Evidence Action's planning for future programs it may scale up.

In March 2014, Good Ventures made a $250,000 grant to Evidence Action, the parent organization of the GiveWell-recommended Deworm the World Initiative, to support its assessment of programs to consider scaling up. This grant is part of our broader plan to support the creation of new giving opportunities that meet GiveWell’s traditional criteria.

Our expectation is that this grant will pay for:{footnote_1}

  • A postdoc who will (a) review the evidence for programs under consideration for scale-up and (b) consider the likely feasibility of scaling up a given program.
  • Funds to pay for small-scale evaluations of programs before bringing them to scale.
  • A proposal for rolling out a program (at the scale of $5-10 million), including additional research needed to address open questions.

We hope that this funding enables Evidence Action to identify additional programs to scale, eventually leading to it to implement new, evidence-backed programs with significant room for additional funding.

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